Kom på Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna i Umeå 13-15 november!

mr-header4Årets tema på mänskliga rättighetsdagarna är ”Röster för rättigheter”. Glöm inte att anmäla dig och kolla in hela programmet på www.mrdagarna.nu.

I Umeå pågår Europas Kulturhuvudstadsåret för fullt hela året och Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna kommer att vara på plats i Folkets Hus den 13-15 november med ett program som innehåller en rad skärningspunkter mellan kultur och mänskliga rättigheter. Under rubriken ”Röster för rättigheter” kommer vi att titta närmare på mänskliga rättigheter och kultur, både rätten till kultur och kultur som verktyg för att stärka och främja de mänskliga rättigheterna. Vi kommer också att diskutera vilka processer som främjar en demokratisk kultur och omvänt – vad som istället kan utgöra ett hot mot demokratin.

DemokratiAkademin är en av huvudarrangörerna och kommer självklart att finnas på plats. Vi har en monter och kommer att arrangera en rad seminarier:

Pupils as agents for fundamental democratic values and human rights? Tors 13 november kl 15.00-16.00, Rist

In this seminar, we will try to evaluate whether the Swedish education system has failed in its dual task, as stated in the education act, of embracing the knowledge mandate as well as the democratic mandate. Formal education is to provide children and youth with skills for an active citizenship, and should play a vital part in safeguarding our democracy. The panel will examine what support and knowledge, both theoretical and practical, each person has to be provided with to be able to create a good life for themselves in harmony with others. How does school make sure that each pupil will become an agent of fundamental democratic values and human rights?

Erik Hannerz is a sociologist who in his research focuses on subcultures, interpreted in terms of authenticity, creation of meaning and the use of urban space. He received his doctorate in 2013 with a thesis on how punks in Sweden and Indonesia define and live out punk through the same structures, despite the differences between the countries. He currently works as a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Sociology, University of Lund, where he currently writes about, among other things, DIY as a tool for non-formal learning in youth meeting places.

GUSTAVSS.JPGBernt Gustavsson has worked as a professor in education and democracy at Örebro University, and is now professor in education and philosphy at NTNU, Trondheim. He has written several books about knowledge, bildung, popular education and democracy. He also has international experience, with different democracy projects in South Africa.

saralitenSara Falkstad Byrne, Academy of Democracy. Folk high school teacher, writer and project manager of Respect your rights, a scheme for strenghening and developing school democracy and youth empowerment in the city of Kristinehamn.

Moderator: Anette Pettersson, Academy of Democracy


Ska vi byta erfarenheter med varandra? Fre 14 november kl 9.00-10.00, Rist

DemokratiAkademin arrangerar en workshop för er som vill passa på att nätverka kring frågor om mänskliga rättigheter och demokrati. Vi står för formen och metoderna medan ni får möjlighet till ett intressant erfarenhetsutbyte och många viktiga kontakter.


Why hate? Fre kl 16.00- 17.00, Idun

Nationalism is spreading and gaining ground all over the world. Front National is now the largest political party in France. Both UKIP in England and the Danish People’s Party in Denmark are gaining ground. Three examples of xenophobic, racist parties who are highly critical of the EU.This, at the same time as the ongoing unrest in Ukraine needs support from Europe to assert itself against Russia. EU as a peacemaker has never been as important as now. At the same time the idea of a united Europe is weakened both by the economic crisis and of euro-sceptic parties. Meanwhile, in the US, racist organizations have increased dramatically since Obama became president.

Should we allow the spreading of nationalism? How does this development affect us in Sweden and what role do the Sweden Democrats play in it?

Soraya Post, MEP for Feminist Initiative
Kitty Kurth and Kevin Lampe, political strategists, organizers and media relations experts of the political consulting firm Kurth Lampe
Brian Palmer, social anthropologist and scholar of religion at Uppsala University, specializing in civiv courage and engagement.
Anette Pettersson, Academy of Democracy
Moderator:Anna-Lena Lodenius, journalist and author with many years’ experience in reviewing political violence and extremism


Miniseminarium: Gör din röst hörd! Lör kl 13.30-14.00 Stora scenen

DemokratiAkademin ger dig skills för att leva i och ta hand om en demokrati. Vilka är våra demokratiska redskap och hur kan vi använda dem?
Läs mer om MR-dagarna på www.mrdagarna.nu!

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